Starting a new branch

Top ten tips for starting a new branch

1. Inform yourself. Read through the information on the website, and get to grips with the issues. Street children have great potential, and SSSK aims to help them achieve it. Understand the scale of the challenges to ‘street children’ and the range of interventions that can offer them opportunity

2. Discuss it with your mates. Build support, and spread awareness. SSSK is small enough to enable You to make a difference

3. E-mail a trustee for an informal chat via

4. Contact your university student union to find out about any requirements for setting up a new society

5. Publicise your new branch and call for volunteers to become the committee (use an assembly / societies fair / notice board / e-mail relevant similar societies, or target certain university disciplines etc)

6. If you have a few people interested, DO some small activity (like a bar trawl) as it’s a bonding exercise, and there’s nothing like doing a fun activity together

7. Decide upon the committee positions. A president, treasurer and secretary provide the framework, and others can include events and fund-raising, awareness raising and education, resources, communications/publicity, a web-master guru etc. It’s then important to meet regularly and to keep good records of what you decide to do.

8. Hold a meeting. Invite a trustee or just post them the minutes (each branch is personally allocated a trustee). Brainstorm for the initial events. You will need e-mail lists, a Facebook page and possibly flyers for noticeboards. It may be appropriate to share some events with similar societies. A weekly ‘enthusiasts’ meeting during term can be a good idea, but make sure that these are fun as well as being effective

9. Your trustee will give you tips on managing your finances in line with the requirements of the Charity Commission (as SSSK is a Registered Charity) 10. In the year, you will receive newsletters, and be invited to the AGM, held in London. There are many resources that you can get your hands on, including tips for good practice and great event ideas. You will be able to hear about what other branches are doing, and about volunteering opportunities. At the end of each term, you will need to report to the financial trustee.